Even if you haven’t read your car’s handbook, we’re certain you know how to drive it. And yeah, you already know how to use your wipers, air conditioner, radio, and signal lights. But do you know how to replace a tire? Not only that but do you know how to keep your automobile in good condition? If not, be grateful that you’re reading this! These easy tricks are not included in your car’s owner’s handbook. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Maintaining an automobile isn’t as difficult as you may believe, and doing it regularly will help your car live longer. Have you done anything on this list before?

Car Maintenance Tips To Help Keep Your Vehicle In Perfect Condition
Hot Water & A Plunge For Dents
Tired of dents on your car? This may be the answer to your problems. Dents are very common, and everyone gets them at some point in their lives. However, that is a pretty easy fix. The following is what you must do: Bring water to a boil before pouring it over the dent. Then, take hold of a plunger and pull it. Keep in mind that this will not work if your car is badly damaged. However, for little ones, this will draw attention away from the dents! It’s not as perfect as it previously was, but it’s much less noticeable.

Hot Water & A Plunge For Dents
Toothpaste On Dirty Headlights
Do your headlights seem hazy? Visiting the auto shop may be difficult, especially if you’re in a rush. Perhaps you have something useful in your bathroom. It’s only toothpaste, after all. Because it includes moderate abrasives, it polishes the enamel. Your headlamp will be clean again if you don’t mind using toothpaste and elbow grease. However, if it is yellowing, it is time to replace it.

Toothpaste On Dirty Headlights
Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover
You don’t have to break your fingers attempting to get a new set of keys to fit on your huge metal keychain. To insert the end pieces, use a staple remover to separate them. We’re sure you’re wondering why you didn’t think of it sooner.

Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover
Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
Are you making preparations in advance? We’re assuming you have emergency vehicle supplies in your trunks, such as oil, a funnel, a towel, a flashlight, and other things. Purchase a shower caddy to securely keep all of your essential things so they don’t fall all over your trunk when you need them — and so nothing else in the trunk gets dirty.

Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
You’ve most likely hit your garage door more times than you’d like to confess! A simple solution is to cut a pool noodle in half and tie it to the wall where the door swings open (the scuff marks should make it easy enough to tell). You may use bolts or simple command strips to secure it, but either way, your car, and the wall will be safe!

Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
We seldom think twice about tossing out little pieces of trash. If you’re not careful, the stench may linger inside your car for a long time. Purchase a trash container and you will be able to avoid such problems. You won’t need to buy anything new; just gather your cereal plastic containers. Use a trash bag to condense the waste and immediately eliminate the odor.

Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet
The sun is setting, and you’ve forgotten your sunglasses. The rays of the setting sun are angled in such a way that they strike you square in the face. What are your thoughts? The visor isn’t going to work, but something else could! Attach a tinted plastic sheet to the window of your vehicle. Static electricity will perform the job in place of glue. Of course, you will need to replace it after a while, but the sun will no longer disturb you!

Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet
Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
Parking your vehicle towards the sun in the morning is a good idea. This may seem to be magic, but it’s very simple. Your front windshield will be partly defrosted as a result of the sun’s beams. So, when you get home from work, you can spend less time waiting for your vehicle to warm up!

Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
As absurd as it may seem, certain keys have a restricted range and can only receive a signal from a few meters away. Your body fluids will somehow increase the range of your signal if you place your keys beneath your chin. Isn’t that crazy? You don’t think we’re telling you the truth? Experiment with it!

Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
There will be two issues if you embark on a lengthy car ride with your child. (Of course, this is in addition to the previous list of potential issues.) They’ll start a little sloppy. Second, they’ll get tired of it. Having a MagnaDoodle toy collection helps! It’s not just one of the most disgusting toys for kids, but it’s also entertaining since you can always repaint without running out of ink or crayons. After that, you can use it as a tray for your kids to eat without having to worry about crumbs and spills all over the place.

Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
Clean Your Wheels With Coke
“Put some coke on it to clean it,” everyone says. We’ve all heard that before, but it’s true! Cola and dish detergent together can quickly remove dirt and dust from your tires and brakes. It will clean your rims thoroughly. Don’t worry about your vehicle becoming sticky since the detergent will prevent this!

Clean Your Wheels With Coke
You Can Use Pantyhose As A Fan Belt
First and foremost, if you are in a position to call a tow truck, do so. One of the most inconvenient things that may happen is a fan belt breaking. However, attempting to save money by avoiding tow trucks if you can contact them would just make matters worse. However, if you are stuck in a distant location with no one to contact, this is what you can do. Use your pantyhose as a fan belt to get to a petrol station or another location with cell service!

You Can Use Pantyhose As A Fan Belt
Use Nail Polish On Small Scratches
If just a tiny part of your vehicle was damaged, it is not worth it to get a new car paint properly done. But who wants to go around in a vehicle that has been tampered with? You should do it! This aesthetic issue can be solved with nail polish. You probably had no clue this was possible, yet a small dab of nail polish may conceal scratches on your vehicle. Unless they look very carefully, no one will notice. Of course, it should be the same hue!

Use Nail Polish On Small Scratches
De-Ice Your Keyholes With Hand Sanitizers
If you live in a chilly city, you know how difficult it is to unfreeze your vehicle door locks. Have you ever heard of this method? Mornings will be so much simpler with hand sanitizers. Worrying about alcohol causing damage to your lock should be the least of your concerns. The solution contains alcohol, which is required for the ice to melt immediately. It will melt the ice on your vehicle door in the same manner that it dissolves ice in your hands.

De-Ice Your Keyholes With Hand Sanitizers
Keep Your Seats Buckled During Hot Weather
Trying to buckle your seatbelt in the heat is a dangerous game. Any metal component of your car that has been exposed to sunlight and heat may irritate your hands, but you can avoid this by fastening your seatbelt when you leave and leaving it buckled until the next time you enter. If the sun can’t reach it, it won’t become hot enough to burn!

Keep Your Seats Buckled During Hot Weather
Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers
This is particularly useful if you have children: A simple over-the-door shoe rack can store all backseat essentials like sippy cups, toys, chargers, and food. All of the pockets are easily accessible and considerably bigger than the basic bags that come with certain minivan seats.

Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers
Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help
It’s annoying when you need to check your GPS but don’t have a co-pilot to hold it up for you or one of your window or air vent holders to hold your phone (and potentially dangerous). A rubber band may be used to create a similar effect in a very simple way. If you wind it through a few vents in your center console and around the top and bottom of your phone, the strain will keep it in place.

Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help
You Can Use Rubber Bands As Phone Holders
When you need to check your GPS but don’t have a co-pilot to hold it up for you and don’t have one of those windows or air vent holders to hold your phone, it’s inconvenient (and potentially dangerous). A similar effect may be achieved using a rubber band in a very easy manner. The tension will hold it in place if you loop it through a few vents on your center console and around the top and bottom of your phone.

You Can Use Rubber Bands As Phone Holders
Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
During summer, did you have to wait outside of your car to cool it down before breathing inside? Do you want to know a tip on how to speed it up? Roll down the window on the passenger side then shut the driver’s side door immediately. The fanning motion you create will allow fresh air to come in and the warm, stagnant air inside your car will be out.

Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener
It’s cost-efficient to buy air fresheners that only last for days. Clip-on or over-the-mirror air fresheners do not last long. Do you know what you can use? A package of dryer sheets! It’s far less noticeable and it absorbs smells. You can even get a scented or unscented one, whichever you prefer. This will keep the inside of your car smelling fresh!

Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener
The Nanotech Car Scratch Remover Cloth
This is not a hack. Still, it is an amazing way to maintain your car’s aesthetics. Multi-purpose Scratch Remover Clothes are nanotechnology that can remove stains from your car and even scratches. It can restore your car’s color and protect the surface of the paint. The company said that each cloth can be used 10 to 15 times. And if you aren’t happy with the result, you have a one-year warranty. Go test them out!

The Nanotech Car Scratch Remover Cloth
Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners
There’s another homemade air freshener you can use aside from your dryer sheet. This one will be the best solution for your nose’s pleasure. Get a few scented wax cubes and put them in a lead-capped mason jar. The wax will melt and fill the car with an amazing scent. Did you know there is a cookie dough scented wax? Yes!

Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners
Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny
This hack may save your life someday. When do you have to replace your tires? Insert an upside-down penny into the treads of your tire. If President Lincoln’s head slips halfway, you’re good to go and you don’t have to worry about it. But if the tread doesn’t cover the president’s head, you’ll need to get new ones as soon as possible.

Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny
Keep Your Cup Holder Clean By Doing This
Are you tired of unorganized change on your cupholders? Put some silicone cupcake wrappers and you’ll be amazed. They’re simple and it’s easy to remove and clean. Your cupholder will be spotless! It will shock you how big of a difference this will make.

Keep Your Cup Holder Clean By Doing This
Save Space Using Carabiner Hooks
If you need to create some space in the back, get some carabiner hooks and attach them to your headrests. They can hold bags, groceries, umbrellas, and other things. This will enable you to make a lot more room than you believe.

Save Space Using Carabiner Hooks
Use Muffin Pans As A Cupholder
If you’re picking up a big fast-food order, bring a muffin pan and a basket. What’s the point of this? Because it results in a bigger, more robust soft drink holder. Keep this technique in mind for the next time you need to place a big purchase.

Use Muffin Pans As A Cupholder
Make Grocery Shopping Easier With Laundry Baskets
When you go grocery shopping, have an empty laundry basket in the trunk of your vehicle. When you arrive home, you may fill the basket with bags, minimizing the number of journeys back and forth to the car and simplifying your shopping excursions!

Make Grocery Shopping Easier With Laundry Baskets
Keep Some Kitty Litter In Your Trunk
Even if you don’t have a cat, you should have kitty litter in your trunk. To get out of a deep snowbank or a slick stretch of road, you’ll need more traction, which kitty litter may offer. Pour some around your tires and try to get back on the road. It is advised that you get the non-clumping variety.

Keep Some Kitty Litter In Your Trunk
Another Kitty Litter Hack
Another creative use for kitty litter is to stuff it inside a sock and keep it on your dashboard. This may seem odd at first, but it will keep your windshield from fogging up. And, yeah, this is a genuine suggestion.

Another Kitty Litter Hack